Advanced Placement Information

Because clear expression in writing characterizes an educated adult, the college requires all first-year students
to take Writing 111: The Writing Seminar, unless they earn an exemption.

AP Exemption with Credit

Students may be exempted from the Writing Seminar with credit by one of three means:

  1. Achieving a 5 on the AP test in Language & Composition.
  2. Achieving a score of 6 or 7 on the International Baccalaureate exam for English, Higher Level. No credit or exemption will be awarded for the Subsidiary Level Test.
  3. Achieving a C+ or higher in an equivalent course at another accredited college or university, provided that the course was taught by regular college faculty on the college campus to enrolled college students. We do not accept college “dual-enrollment” or “concurrent” courses, or courses taken during summer school.

Lower Division English Courses and Policies

For information about Lower Division English courses and policies, please contact:

Dr. Erin Branch
Department of English
Wake Forest University
P.O. Box 7387
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109-7387

Telephone: (336) 758-6126