Core (Division II) Requirements
Graduation Requirements
To satisfy requirements for graduation, students must complete one course in Division II, The Humanities: Literatures. The department of English offers a variety of interesting writing-intensive seminar courses that fulfill this requirement. These courses encourage students to:
- Think critically and imaginatively about literature
- Develop interpretative skills
- Write cogent analyses
Enrollment Guidelines
- Prerequisite: Students must satisfy or be enrolled in the basic writing requirement before taking a Division II English course.
- Timing: We urge students to enroll in their literature course before their junior year.
Recommended Courses
All prospective English majors are encouraged to take one of the following courses to fulfill their Division II literature requirement, rather than opting for the 100 level courses:
- ENG 265
- ENG 266
- ENG 275
- ENG 290
Note: The 100 level courses (Eng 150, 165, 175, 185, 190) are available but less recommended for prospective English majors.
Advanced Placement (AP) Credit
Students who score a 5 on the AP literature or language examination and intend to use English as a divisional requirement may take a 300 level English course to satisfy the Division II literature requirement.
Course Descriptions
English 150: Literature Interprets the World (3hr)
Emphasis on learning to interpret literature as a way of thinking through philosophical, ethical, social, historical, and cultural problems and phenomena. Writing Intensive; seminar.
English 165: Interpreting British Literature (3hr)
Emphasis on significant British writers representing different periods and genres. Writing intensive; seminar.
English 175: Interpreting American Literature (3hr)
Emphasis on significant American writers representing different periods and genres. Writing intensive; seminar.
English 185: Interpreting Global Literature (3hr)
Emphasis on significant writers representing different nationalities, periods and genres. Writing intensive; seminar.
English 190: Literary Genres
- Studies in Genres. (3 hr.) Emphasis on poetry, fiction, and drama. Writing intensive; seminar.
- Poetry. (3 hrs) Writing intensive; seminar.
- Dramatic Literature (3 hr.) Writing intensive; seminar.
- Fiction (3 hr.) Emphasis may be on the novel, short story, or both. Writing intensive; seminar.
- The Epic (3 hr.) Writing intensive; seminar.