Dr. Herman Rapaport
Reynolds Professor of English
- Office: C109 Tribble Hall
- Email: rapapoh@wfu.edu
PhD University of California, Irvine (1978)

Areas of Interest
- Early Modern Literature, Theatre and Performance Studies, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis
- Member: Psychoanalytic Center of the Carolinas
Courses Taught at Wake Forest
- Milton
- Special Topics in Theatre
- English Senior Capstone Course
- Literary Criticism and Theory
Selected Publications
- Derrida on Exile and the Nation: Reading Fantom of the Other (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021)
- The Literary Theory Toolkit (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
- Later Derrida (Routledge, 2004)
- The Theory Mess (Columbia UP, 2001)
- Is There Truth in Art? (Cornell UP, 1998)
- Between the Sign and the Gaze (Cornell, 1994)
- Heidegger and Derrida (Nebraska UP, 1989)
- Milton and the Postmodern (Nebraska UP, 1983)
Recent Articles
- “Fantasies of Settlement” in Modern Fiction Studies (2017). Includes discussion of Wm. Faulkner
- “Marc Redfield: Theory at Yale,” Oxford Literary Review (2017).
- “History, Poetry, and the Social Relation: Maya Angelou, Bruce Andrews, Claudia Rankine, Barrett Watten,” Journal of Foreign Languages and Culture (2018)
- “Structuralism and Semiotics” in Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory (2019). Concerns concepts and major figures.
- “Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak” in Bloomsbury Handbook (2019)
- “I Develop a Flame for the Bed: Walter Benjamin and Helene Cixous,” Symploke (Univ. Nebraska Press, 2019). Concerns Cixous’ memoir Hyperdream.
- “The Ethical Break,” Journal of Foreign Languages and Culture. On Marguerite Duras’ La douleur and other figures.
- Forthcoming: Spivak Moving, a massive anthology of recent work by Gayatri Spivak edited by an editorial team of which I am a part (Seagull Press, India). Includes an interview we conducted with her, plus introductions to her pieces.
- Forthcoming: Introduction to a special issue on Derrida’s seminars. In Poetics Today.
- In preparation: “Roland Barthes and Don DeLillo on Living Apart/Together” for a book on Barthes’ writings. This piece concerns Barthes’ seminar on how to live together, which I’ve applied to DeLillo’s novel, Falling Man.
- I’m writing a short introduction to English Studies.