Meet English Alum Michael Lyle, MA ’83

Hometown: Roanoke, Virginia
Graduation Year: MA in English, 1983
Current Employment: Clergy (retired) / Poet
What role has the English major played in your career path?:
I entered the MA program at Wake with the intention of a teaching career, but life, and God, intervened. I eventually entered seminary and began a career as an ordained minister. Though I completed my course work on campus in the mid 70s, the transition to ordained ministry complicated completion of my degree requirements and I did not graduate until 1983.
Nevertheless, the writing skills I learned at Wake significantly enhanced every sermon, church newsletter, and communication of my life and career. And in retirement, I’ve enjoyed success as a writer and poet due chiefly to the writing skills that were honed during my time at WFU. My chapbook, The Everywhere of Light, was published in 2018.
It was a pleasure to join Jessica Richard and others associated with the WFU English Department for the recent Chat with the Chair event. I’m delighted to know that writing remains a significant part of the English Department curriculum. Thanks Wake!
Categories: Alumni News, Department Profiles