Meet Gale Sigal, Professor of English

Gale Sigal is Professor of English and Medieval Studies. Since joining Wake Forest in 1987, she has served as Chair of the English Department, Director of Graduate Studies and co-founder and co-director of the Medieval Studies Minor and the Interdisciplinary MA Certificate Program in Medieval Studies. She teaches the European High Middle Ages in such courses as the Legend of King Arthur, Chaucer, Medieval Poetry and The Roots of Song as well as divisional and gateway English Literature courses. She is the Managing Editor of The Once and Future Classroom, a peer-reviewed journal for teachers of Medieval Studies, sponsored by the Teaching Association of Medieval Studies (TEAMS). Her publications and interests span Middle English, Old French, medieval Italian literature and the British Victorian era, and she authored the monograph Erotic Dawn-songs of the Middle Ages: Voicing the Lyric Lady. She has been editor or assistant editor for the collections Voices in Translation: The Authority of ‘Olde Bookes’ in Medieval Literature; Boccaccio Veneto: 700 Years of Cultural Crossing in the Mediterranean; and The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume II. She recently published “Like a Breath of Northwest Wind: William Morris’s Medievalism Beyond England’s Shores” in American/Medieval Goes North: Earth and Water in Transit. Coming from the Bronx, Sigal loves the opportunity living in North Carolina gives her to garden and let her dogs run free.
Categories: Department Profiles, Faculty News