Meet English Major Matt Schlosser
Hometown: Tampa, FL

Major(s)/Minor(s): Double Major in English and Politics & International Affairs
Highlights of My Time at Wake:
Traveling to the UK to experience the spaces depicted in some of my favorite literature, conducting research on community organizing methods in Boston, speaking at New Student Convocation, and Breakfast on a Bun Fridays at the Pit.
Post-grad Plans
I hope to work as a research fellow for a year, evaluating what policies are most effective at addressing intergenerational poverty. I then plan to pursue a Master of Public Policy in order to prepare for a career in political advocacy.
Why I majored in English:
It’s really fun! No other major encourages such meaningful discussions on society, philosophy, history, rhetoric, politics, and art in such a warm setting. The talented, empathetic, and caring people that I’ve met through these courses have restored my hope for the future that the news attempts to erode on a daily basis.
Categories: Department Profiles