Meet English Major Gabe Marx ’19

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland
Major: English Major, Sociology Minor
Any highlights of your time here that you want to share?
Academically, one of the highlights of my time here has been the amount of diversity of backgrounds and opinions I have been able to experience through my English and sociology classes. I have been able to meet so many people I may not have otherwise interacted with through these classes, and it has made my time here much more rewarding. Outside of the classroom, I am a president of the club lacrosse team, which has been another fun and rewarding experience and has helped me maintain a positive work-life balance.
What are your plans after graduation?
I am currently applying to law schools and plan on going in the fall after graduating from Wake. I am not exactly sure what type of law I want to study and practice, but I am excited for what’s to come.
Why did you major in English?
I majored in English because I love the discussion-based seminar classes that are a staple of the English department here. The process of closely reading a text and then spending the class period analyzing and discussing the work and its thematic, cultural, and historical significance is something that I have found extremely interesting.
Categories: Department Profiles, Student News