Meet Alisa Russell, Assistant Professor in the Writing Program

Alisa is joining the Writing Program at Wake as an Assistant Professor after recently completing her PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Kansas. She’s excited to bring her interests in rhetorical genre studies and public writing to the first-year writing seminars and the interdisciplinary writing minor courses she teaches at Wake. Alisa is also co-developing Wake’s Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) initiatives, which provides training and resources for faculty across the university to integrate and support student writing in their disciplinary courses. Alisa’s research has appeared in publications such as Pedagogy, The WAC Journal, and The Clearing House, and she serves as an Executive Board member of the Association of WAC and as Co-Chair of the WAC Summer Institute. Currently, Alisa is drafting a book manuscript that explores the relationship between writing and access, especially among publics.
Alisa and her husband, Christopher, have taken walks (but bought nothing) in every mall within a 60-mile radius. Alisa sings with the Winston-Salem Symphony Choir, and she’s starting a systematic search for the best coffee shop in town.
Categories: Department Profiles, Faculty News