Professor Keri Mathis

As part of her work as an ACE Fellow and a board member for LEAD (Learning Everyday Accomplishing Dreams) Girls of NC, professor Keri Mathis and her Writing 111 students have been working with LEAD Girls of NC and students from the organization Wake Women LEAD to support and implement a LEAD Girls Academy at Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy. The LEAD Academy is a weekly mentoring and literacy program that matches middle school students at Winston-Salem Prep with students from Wake Forest.

This month, their work is featured in the OCCE’s October Community Partner Spotlight, available online here.

Dr. Mathis writes, “The students and I have been in the school for several weeks now, and it has been wonderful to see the impact the collaboration is having on Wake students and LEAD Girls participants. The program’s focus is on literacy engagement, and we are reading a book in common, The Promise of Change, with the girls to help them become more confident readers, writers, and leaders.”

Categories: Faculty News
