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Cover of Writing Moves 2016-2017 magazine

The Wake Forest Writing Program has published the first issue of Writing Moves, an online journal featuring “the interesting rhetorical moves of Wake Forest undergraduates.” The publication was edited, designed, and annotated by English major and Creative Writing minor Hannah Lafferrandre, with help from faculty mentors and editors Anne Boyle and Elisabeth Whitehead.

Writing Moves celebrates student writing at all levels, publishing descriptive, argumentative, analytical, and lyric essays from undergraduate writers enrolled in Wake Forest Writing courses—chiefly Writing 111: The Writing Seminar, but also Writing 105: Introduction to Critical Reading, Writing 210: Academic Research and Writing, and Writing 212: The Art of the Essay. The editors looked for essays from students who “took their writing seriously, who had the courage and discipline to take intellectual risks and revise and polish their works, students who thought about how to communicate their ideas to an audience.” 

The journal aims to not only encourage readers to become lifelong readers and writers but also to serve as a pedagogical resource for faculty and students. To that end, each essay includes the professor’s assignment as well as commentaries from the student writer, their professor, and the editors about the essay’s rhetorical strategies and the student’s writing process.

Writing Moves will host a celebratory reception for the student writers and faculty on Wednesday, April 18 from 4 to 5 p.m. in Ammons Lounge (Tribble A107).

The first issue covers the 2016-2017 academic year. You can read it online here or view it as a PDF

Categories: Faculty News, Student News
