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Support the English Department

The Department of English offers a number of outstanding programs to Wake Forest students, including an English major and minor, an M. A. in English literature, and minors in Creative Writing, Journalism, and Medieval Studies.  Graduates of our programs are comprehensively prepared for graduate work in literature, for professional degrees in law, management, and higher education, and they excel in a variety of fields and careers.  

Your gifts and support can enhance our programs. With your help we can bring in guest lecturers and authors who share their talents and skills with our students, increase support for internships, and help facilitate research collaborations between students and faculty. Please consider designating your gift to one of the funds listed below.

Friends, Sponsors, Patrons General English Fund

Donations to this fund will be used to strengthen enrichment activities for the English major, minor, MA, and writing programs, including visits by external scholars and creative writers, trips to program-related off-campus activities, and research funding for students and faculty. If you choose,  you may designate your donation to the English department, or to one of its specific programs: the MA program, the Writing Program, or the Creative Writing Program.

Journalism Future Fund

Donations to this fund will be used to strengthen Journalism by assisting in bringing prominent media professionals to campus, funding newly created initiatives in online journalism education, supporting new initiatives in study-abroad programs in journalism, and, most immediately and critically,  providing stipends to students in unpaid, journalism-related internships.

Medieval Studies Fund

Donations to this fund will be used to strengthen Medieval Studies by aiding us to enhance our students’ educational opportunities. These include sponsoring medieval study abroad events, taking students to sites, such as museums, that boast important medieval holdings, helping our students travel to conferences in the field, sponsoring an annual student conference at WFU, bringing prominent medievalists to campus for lectures and mini-residencies, and sponsoring faculty-student research projects.