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English majors Savannah Baber, Briana Carney, and Sophie Hollis, English minor Alec Jessar, and Journalism minor David Ajamy presented orations at the 2019 Senior Colloquium held on Tuesday, February 5, in Benson University Center. 

Here are the titles of their talks: 

Savannah Baber: “To Fly: The Purpose of Education”

Bri Carney: “Love and Spreadsheets,” about her experience trying to set up a Pride Game for her team, the women’s soccer team. Her speech discusses the notion of inclusive spaces and making Wake an even more accepting place.

Sophie Hollis: “Forest for the Trees,” on the importance of cooperation. Sophie included a poem she had created from the most common words used on the Wake Forest University Class of 2019 Facebook page.

David Ajamy: “Home,” about homelessness in his past and finding a home at Wake Forest.

Alex Jessar: “Morning,” a reflection on the universality and singularity of his college and life experience. Alec asserts that it is in taking small actions for justice and equality in our everyday lives that we create meaningful connections to find a medium between universality and singularity.

The Senior Colloquium is a tradition that stretches back to Wake Forest’s earliest days, when the Euzelian and Philomathesian debating societies were founded. Originally, all seniors were expected to speak unless excused by a faculty member. Today, faculty members nominate outstanding seniors to prepare orations, and ten students are invited to speak at the spring Senior Colloquium. From these ten, three will be selected to give Senior Orations at the Founders’ Day Convocation on February 21, 2019.

Categories: Student News
