Dillon Johnston Writers Reading Series Hosts Horror with Stephen Graham Jones February 20, 2024

Stephen Graham Jones will join us at 6:00 pm on Tuesday February 20, 2024 in the Byrum Welcome Center. The event is free and open to the public.
Stephen Graham Jones is the NYT bestselling author of nearly thirty novels and collections, and there’s some novellas and comic books in there as well. Stephen’s been an NEA recipient, has won the Texas Institute of Letters Award for Fiction, the LA Times Ray Bradbury Prize, the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award, the Independent Publishers Award for Multicultural Fiction, WLA’s Distinguished Achievement Award, ALA’s RUSA Award and Alex Award, the 2023 American Indian Festival of Words Writers Award, the Locus Award, four Bram Stoker Awards, three Shirley Jackson Awards, six This is Horror Awards, and he’s been a finalist for the World Fantasy Award and the British Fantasy Award. He’s also made Bloody Disgusting’s Top Ten Horror Novels, and is the guy who wrote Mongrels, The Only Good Indians, My Heart is a Chainsaw, and Earthdivers. Up next are The Angel of Indian Lake and I Was a Teenage Slasher. Stephen lives in Boulder, Colorado.
More information on Stephen Graham Jones can be found at http://stephengrahamjonesbooks.com
Categories: Dillon Johnston Writers Reading Series