Department Profile: English Major Carly East

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Major(s)/Minors: English major, Sociology and Medieval and Early Modern Studies minors
Any highlights of your time here that you want to share?: I recently became an intern for the WFU Press, which publishes Irish poetry for distribution in North America. I love working with the Press because it gives me hands-on experience with both publishing and marketing, and awards me with far more responsibility than I ever thought I would have as an intern. Catch my favorite excerpts from our most recent publication, The Darkness of Snow by Frank Ormsby in the next edition of Potty Poetry!
Post-graduate plans: Eventually, I would like to be a ghostwriter, but after graduation I hope to go into publishing or market research.
Why I majored in English: I major in English because I love the challenge. My English courses have taught me to think critically, to write with a purpose, and to reflect on and reconsider the way I approach the world. Each of my professors has helped me to develop my analytical skills in a way that I can apply to all different disciplines. Also, my classmates continuously produce provocative, introspective work from all different viewpoints. It is humbling and inspiring to be surrounded by such thoughtful people.
Categories: Department Profiles, Student News