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The Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program invites you to a day-long Chaucer workshop on Tuesday, Feb. 28th in Tribble Hall C1 10:00am-noon, and 2:00-4:00pm. The workshop will focus on Chaucer’s well-known tale of Patient Griselda, his “Clerk’s Tale,” and will include the Portrait of the Çlerk from the “General Prologue,” the “Prologue to the Clerk’s Tale” and the tale itself. Texts either in Modern or Middle English will
be available

Two experts will lead our workshop. Carl David Benson, beloved Professor Emeritus of the University of Connecticut, has authored nine important books on Chaucer and Middle English literature, especially Piers Plowman, along with ninety-odd book chapters and journal articles — scholarship that encompasses the wide body of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Middle English literature. The Chaucer Review dedicated its first double issue to his essential work.

Jamie Fumo is a professor at Florida State, and has written two highly regarded books and edited two others on Chaucer and Middle English Literature in addition to numerous articles. Her work is rigorous, original and witty, “a triumph of wide-ranging scholarship and literary interpretation.”

Categories: Department Events
