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Each year, English faculty nominate the top essays from their lower- and upper-level literature courses for the department’s D.A. Brown Essay Awards. This summer, three students were recognized for exemplary essays written in the 2022-2023 academic year.

The 22-23 D.A. Brown Essay Award for Literary Scholarship:

Ellie Grubbs ’23, for her ENG 339 essay “Race and Sexuality in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room.

Kate Dobsch, for her ENG 150 essay “The Relationship Between Kesey’s Allegory of Truth and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.”

The 22-23 D.A. Brown Essay Award for Personal Essays and Other Forms of Scholarly Work:

Lydia Rivera, for her ENG 340 essay, “That’s it, I’m Shaving my Head!: An Examination of Hair, Gender, Sexuality, and Mental Health.”

About D.A. Brown:

The late D.A. Brown was a member of the English Department for many years. He was noted for his high standards, and on his retirement, a fund was established to recognize excellence in writing. Each year the English department recognizes exemplary writers in creative writing, 100-level literature courses, and 300-level literature courses in his name. 

Categories: Student News
