Assistant Teaching Professor


  • Office: 429 ZSR Library
  • Phone: (336) 758-4195
  • Email:


  • MFA, University of Iowa
  • MFA, University of Montana
  • BA, St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Area(s) of Interest/Specialty

  • Contemporary Poetry
  • First-Year Writing
  • Rhetoric and Social Justice
  • Contemplative Pedagogy and Mindfulness in Education

Courses taught at WFU

  • WRI 111—Us Versus Them: The Rhetoric of Groups
  • ENG 285—Poetry Workshop

Selected publications

  • a pilgrim’s traveling kit. Cosa Nostra Editions, 2008.
  • “the pilgrim”; “predictions.” Black Warrior Review. Fall/ Winter 2010, 37.1.
  • “tower of london”; “pilgrim with relic”; “at the lodging house.” Quarterly West. Winter 2010, #69.
  •  “the pilgrims’ museum”;
 “chronicles of salt.  (the marketplace)”; “chronicles of salt. (of speech)”; “ in the northern city of nickel.” Double Room.  Summer, 2009, #8.
  • “roads.” Aufgabe. 2009, #8.