Assistant Teaching Professor, Literature



  • PhD University at Buffalo
    • Dissertation: “Green Futures: A Cultural History of Ecotopia from the Cold War to the Present”
  • MA Syracuse University
  • BA Syracuse University

Areas of Interest

  • Post-WWII American Literature
  • Science Fiction
  • Film
  • Marxism & Ecocriticism
  • Critical Theory
  • Cultural Studies

Courses Taught at Wake Forest

ENG 150: Literature Interprets the World

Selected Publications

  • “Tomorrowland and Its Discontents: Corporate Utopianism in the American Century.” The Next Generation: Emerging Voices in Utopian Studies. Ed. Phillip E. Wegner. Oxford: Peter Lang, (forthcoming).
  • “Confessions of an Apostate.” Pacts and Invocations: Magic and Ritual in Contemporary Art. Exhibition Catalog. Spartanburg Art Museum. 2016.
  • “What Does Transparency Look Like?” Plot. 2015.
  • “Notes Toward an Essay on Lip Service.” P-QUEUE Volume 3. 2006.
  • “The Ideology of Interactivity (Or, Videogames and the Taylorization of Leisure).” LEVEL UP Digital Games Conference Proceedings. Eds. Marinka Copier and Joost Raessens. DIGRA: 2003.