Dr. Scott Klein
Professor of English
- Office: C207 Tribble Hall
- Phone: (336) 758-5399
- Email: klein@wfu.edu
- PhD, MPhil, MA: Yale
- MA, BA: Cambridge
- AB: Harvard

Areas of Interest
- Modern British Novel
- James Joyce
- History of the Novel
- The Avant-Garde
- Cinema and Modernism
- Music and Modernism
Selected Publications
- Editor, A Modernist Cinema, with Michael Valdez Moses (Oxford University Press), 2015 (forthcoming).
- Editor, Vorticism: New Perspectives, with Mark Antliff (Oxford University Press), 2013.
- Editor, Wyndham Lewis, Tarr. Oxford University Press (Oxford World Classics Series), 2010.
- The Fictions of James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis: Monsters of Nature and Design (Cambridge University Press, 1994; paperback edition 2006).
Articles and book chapters:
- “How German Is It: Vorticism, Nationalism, and the Paradox of Aesthetic Self-Definition.” Vorticism: New Perspectives, ed. Mark Antliff and Scott W. Klein. Oxford University Press, 2013.
- “For Frank O’Hara: Morton Feldman’s Three Voices as Interpretation and Elegy.” Modernist Cultures (Summer 2013).
- “A Likely Impossibility: The Good Soldier, the Modernist Novel, and Quasi-Familial Transcendence.” Utopianism and Twentieth-Century Literary Cultures, ed. Nathan Waddell and Alice Reeve-Tucker. London: Palgrave, 2013.
- “Modern Times against Western Man: Wyndham Lewis, Charlie Chaplin, and Cinema,” in Wyndham Lewis and the Cultures of Modernity, ed. Nathan Waddell, Alice Reeve-Tucker, and Andrzej Gasiorek. London: Ashgate, 2011.
- “Night Thoughts on Editing Tarr.” Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies, vol. 1 no. 1 (2011).
- “Modernist Babylons: Utopian Aesthetics and Urban Spectacle in D. W. Griffith and Wyndham Lewis.” Modernist Cultures, vol. 5, no. 1 (May 2010), pp. 9-29.
- “Nathan Zuckerman as Irish Jew: James Joyce, National Difference, and The Counterlife.” Philip Roth Studies, vol. 4, no. 2 (Fall 2008), pp. 153-69.
- General introduction to Wyndham Lewis’s journal The Tyro (No. 1, 1921; No. 2, 1922) Modernist Journals Project, Brown University, 2008.
Available here.
Courses Taught at Wake Forest
- WRI 111 Modes of Tragedy
- ENG 165 Studies in British Literature
- ENG 300 Joseph Conrad and Virginia Woolf
- ENG 363 Studies in Modernism: Modernism and the Continental Avant-Gardes
- ENG 365 Twentieth-Century British Fiction
- ENG 366 James Joyce
Additional Resources
Curriculum Vitae For Dr. Klein