Dr. Omaar Hena
Associate Professor
- PhD University of Virginia
- MA University College, Dublin
- BA Wake Forest University

Areas of Interest
- World Anglophone Literature and Globalization Studies
- Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
- History of Critical Theory
Courses Taught at Wake Forest
- FYS 100: Globalization and Culture
- ENG 165: Empire, Race, and Sexuality in British and World Literature
- ENG 266: British Literature, 1800 to the Present
- ENG 358: Postcolonial and World Anglophone Literatures
- ENG 359: Global Modernist Poetries in English
- ENG 759: Globalization and Postcolonial Poetry
Book Project
Global Anglophone Poetry: Literary Form and Social Critique in Walcott, Muldoon, de Kok, and Nagra (Palgrave Macmillan).
Contemporary British Black & Asian Poetry in Crisis: Aesthetics & Politics from Resistance to Abolition (in progress)
Selected Publications
- “Ireland’s Afterlives in Global Anglophone Poetry,” Post-Ireland? Essays on Contemporary Irish Poetry (Wake Forest UP, 2017).
- “Postcolonial Poetry and Globalization,” The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry (forthcoming, Cambridge UP).
- “World Modernist Poetry in English,” book chapter for A Companion to Modernist Poetry (Blackwell-Wiley, 2014).
- “Multi-Ethnic British Poetries,” book chapter for The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry (Oxford UP, 2013).
- “Primitivism” and “South African Poetry in English,” entries for The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (2012).
- “Playing Indian / Disintegrating Irishness: Globalization and Cross-Cultural Identity in Paul Muldoon’s ‘Madoc: A Mystery,’” Contemporary Literature 49:2 (2008): 232-62.
- “‘Taken for a Turkish Woman’: Paula Meehan, the East, and the Globalization of Irish Culture,” in New York University’s journal for Irish Studies, Foilsiú 5.1 (2006): 113-128.
- “The Global Turn in Postcolonial Literary Studies,” Minnesota Review 71-71 (2009): 289-96. Review essay covering The Postcolonial and the Global edited by Revathi Krishnaswamy and John C. Hawley; Mongrel Nation by Ashley Dawson; Postcolonial Writers in the Global Literary Marketplace by Sarah Brouillette; Reading the Global: Troubling Perspectives on Britain’s Empire in Asia by Sanjay Krishnan.
- Review of Irish Orientalism by Joseph Lennon, Foilsiú 5.1 (2006): 145-48.
- “Imagining Ireland.” With Jahan Ramazani. Norton Topics Online. (link)