Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing



  • PhD, Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media; North Carolina State University, 2019
  • MA, English: Rhetoric and Composition, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2014
  • MAT, Secondary English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005
  • BA, Romance Languages, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002

Areas of Interest

  • Rhetoric and Composition
  • Critical Digital Pedagogy
  • Multimodal Composition
  • Digital Rhetoric and 21st Century Literacies
  • Writing Across the Curriculum

Courses Taught at Wake Forest

WRI 111: Writing Seminar (Everyday Rhetoric and Popular Culture)

Selected Publications

  • Andrews, Kendra. “An Introduction to Multimodal Composition.” InterTEXTS: A Collection of Student Writing. Gierdowski, Dana, Paul Colby, Chelsea Krieg, Wanda Lloyd, and Meridith Reed, eds. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press, 2016.
  • Andrews, Kendra. “Multimodal Composition, Sketch Notes, and Idea Generation.” Kairos: 22.2, Spring 2018.
  • Anson, Chris and Kendra Andrews. “Sleuthing for the Truth: A Reading and Writing Pedagogy for the New Age of Lies.” Teaching Critical Writing and Reading in an Era of Fake News, Ellen C. Carrillo and Alice S. Horning, eds., 2020.
  • Anson, Ian, Chris Anson, and Kendra Andrews. “Peer Review in First Year Composition and STEM Courses: A Large-Scale Corpus Analysis of Key Writing Terms.” Composition as Big Data, Benjamin Miller and Amanda Licastro, eds., 2021.