Wake Forest Professor of the Humanities


  • Office:   B207 Tribble Hall
  • Phone:  (336) 758-4728
  • Email:    walkerco@wfu.edu


  • Ph.D. The College of William and Mary
  • MA, ad eundem Brown University
  • M.T.S. Harvard University
  • M.Div. Virginia Union University
  • BS Norfolk State University

Area(s) of Interest

  • Africana Philosophy
  • Critical Theory
  • Ethics
  • Religion and American Public Life
  • Social and Political Philosophy

Courses taught at WFU

  • AAS 100 – Introduction to African American Studies
  • ENG 381 – The Black Radical Tradition
  • ENG 302 – The Sovereignty of the Imagination
  • FYS 100 – The Humanities and Other Humans

Selected Publications