Meet English Major Declan Sander ’23

Hometown: Hendersonville, North Carolina
Major/Minors: English & German major, Creative Writing minor
Highlights of my time at Wake: Being surrounded by a community of other language nerds, able to become the whole person I never was in high school. Going to basketball games, being named a Carswell-Mullen Scholar, building the campus 1:1 in Minecraft, co-editing 3 to 4 Ounces, it’s hard to fit it all in the highlight reel.
Post-grad plans: After graduation, I would like to apply for a Fulbright and go to Graduate School, continuing my research in German and English literature. If I’m lucky, I will be teaching in these same halls where I learned.
Why I majored in English: If you dig deep enough into any subject in the Humanities, I think the core questions of life take root in literature. Written language has a way of applying our joys, dreads, and curiosities, so that if we are able to analyze texts critically, we end up understanding our collective beings that much more. What is education, if not that opportunity?
Categories: Department Profiles, Student News