Associate Professor of English



  • PhD Princeton University (2002)
  • BA Goucher College (1996)

Areas of Interest

I specialize in eighteenth-century British fiction.  I have published on gambling in eighteenth-century British culture, Jane Austen, Samuel Johnson, and polar exploration.  My current book project is on forms of knowledge in Jane Austen’s works.  I am a co-editor of the Maria Edgeworth Letters Project.  I am the founder and co-editor of The 18th-Century Common, a public humanities web project sponsored by the WFU Humanities Institute.


Selected Publications

Courses Taught at Wake Forest

  • FYS 100 Pursuits of Happiness
  • WRI 111: Gambling/Writing
  • WRI 111: Writing About Jane Austen on Film
  • ENG 160: Introduction to British Literature 
  • ENG 165: Studies in Major British Authors 
  • ENG 190: Introduction to the Novel
  • ENG 300: Jane Austen’s Eighteenth-Century Contexts
  • ENG 300: The Age of Johnson
  • ENG 301/601: Jane Austen: Critical Contexts
  • ENG 335/635: Eighteenth-Century British Fiction
  • ENG 337/637: Studies in Eighteenth-Century British Literature: Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation in Eighteenth-Century British Literature 
  • ENG 700: Teaching Internship
  • ENG 733: Eighteenth-Century British Fiction: The Oriental Tale
  • ENG 733: Eighteenth-Century British Fiction: The Body, The Letter, The Novel
  • ENG 737: Education in Eighteenth-Century British Literature