Hometown: Elmsford, New York

Major(s)/Minors: English Major / Communications Minor

Any highlights of your time here that you want to share?: I’ve enjoyed all the moments with my friends here exploring Winston-Salem and Wake, along with receiving the benefit of establishing multiple relationships with different excellent professors in the English Department. I’ve also joined Gospel Choir and BSA on campus, which has greatly enriched my experience here with fellowship and laughter. I’m also involved with Campus Kitchen’s Kids Cooking Coalition and enjoy giving back to the children in our greater community of Winston!

Post-graduate plans: I would like to go to Law School with a focus on Civil Law and Youth Law. However, I’m not completely dedicated to that path.

Why I majored in English: I majored in English because I figured it was one of the most diverse majors in terms of a career. I could go into law, business, communication, or the education field with this major and it wouldn’t tie me down to one specific path but create different options that I could take.
