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This fall, 24 students were inducted into Wake Forest University’s Sigma Omega chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honors society. Students honored with Sigma Tau Delta induction are junior or senior English or Writing majors/minors who are in the top 35 percent of their graduating class.

English department faculty and students, including Sigma Tau Delta executive board members Ryan Scirocco, Jacob Brugh, Stephen Stasko, Isabelle Ruiz, Juliana Marino, and Laurence Roberts, met in Ammons Lounge in Tribble Hall, to induct and welcome the new members. Each year inductees get to request the presence of a particularly beloved faculty member; this year they chose Professor Holdridge, who specializes in Irish poetry.

Plans for chapter this year include: major/minor social, collaborations with ESA and the Euzelian Society for a speaker event, a Little Free Library project, partnering with a local elementary school, and the annual senior project. 

Fall 2019 Sigma Tau Delta inductees include:

Blake Jones
Alice Graham-Welton
Melissa Navarro
Isabelle Duffy
Madeline Barnes
Hannah Cook
Cassie Ball 
Olivia Tefft
Ellen Gunn
Alexandra Baker
Alyssa Klier
Melissa Cooney
Victoria Rackley
Andrew Bolen Wilson
Michelle Lazaran
Brandi Bangle
Matthew Moriarity
Lauren Berryman
Madeline Cox
Taylor Crandall
Erin Marlow
Abigail Davis
Kate Redding
Alissa Osberg
Addie Griffin

Categories: Student News
